Grandes Vinos Blancos 2025

Por cuarto año consecutivo, Vila Viniteca presenta una selección exclusiva de grandes vinos blancos, elaborados por las bodegas más destacadas de España. Una preventa única, exclusiva y muy codiciada limitada

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Great White Wines from Vila Viniteca

Join our list of preferred customers and be the first to access our exclusive selection of Great White Wines at unbeatable conditions. 

What are Great White Wines?


Over the last three decades, the quality of Spanish wines has enjoyed an unprecedented boom. Multiple new projects have been consolidated and positioned in parallel with established historical Spanish wineries, and some of them have become undisputable benchmarks for the top sommeliers and fine wine collectors in the world.

However, the global success of these top Spanish wines, which have surely deserved to be where they are today for many years now, has been confined exclusively to the great red wines. In Spain, and very much in spite of the excitement sparked by some white wines, there is still an idea that great wines can only be red.

For years now at Vila Viniteca, we’ve been wholly committed to promoting the great white wines.

We are delighted to be able to make a world exclusive offer –exclusively worldwide and for the third consecutive year – a unique pre-sale of 8 great Spanish whites. They are exciting, painstakingly made wines that possess that something special that makes them different from the rest of the wines of each of the wineries that have made them.

Why reserve Great White Wines with Vila Viniteca?

Exclusivity: six wines are practically new editions and two have had very limited distribution.

Careful selection: we have been working with the best winemakers for years and our experience guarantees that you will receive wines of exceptional quality.

Buy by units: it is not necessary to buy full cases. You can choose the bottles that interest you most and combine them to your liking.

No intermediaries: we receive the wines directly from the winery.

Free delivery: anywhere on the Peninsula from €59.95 on purchases made at

Aviso avanzadas y preventa 

Oferta sin compromiso y válida hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024.  
Nos reservamos la posibilidad de asignar un máximo de botellas de cada vino por cliente y algunos se repartirán proporcionalmente. Las asignaciones se harán por riguroso orden de recepción de pedido.  
Venta a la Avanzada Cosecha 2023: Vinos disponibles entre 8 y 24 meses a partir del pedido. 
Preventa Especial Château Latour y Preventa Especial EE. UU.: Vinos disponibles entre 3 y 6 meses a partir del pedido. 


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